What is H2 Glow?

October is normally the month where we as a church host our KF3 event (The Kids Funtastic Fall Festival). The vision behind why we started KF3 was to provide a safe place for kids and families to go on Halloween, because at the time there were not many places to go. Now, more than 10 years later, there are quite a few KF3-type events that are happening in our community.

With that in mind, we wanted to try to reach our community in a new and different way this year. Instead of asking the community to come to us, we are wanting to go to them! So, this year we want to set up 5-7 huts at households, throughout our community on Halloween night. At these huts we will give out candy, snacks, and hot drinks to families as they go trick or treating through the neighborhood. We desire to leverage the influence of our presence in our community for Jesus with the ultimate goal of leading people to Jesus.

Here’s how we are asking you to help. First we ask for you to pray for this event, that we can be impactful in our community and share Jesus with others. Secondly, we are asking that you give. Whether it be through candy donations (donation buckets are in the lobby)or finances, your giving helps make this event happen. Finally, we ask you to consider volunteering. If your house sees a lot of trick or treaters on Halloween we would love it if you would volunteer to host a hut. We also need volunteers to help run the huts. If you are interested in volunteering, click the link below.

We want to be a church who builds and shines a light in the community God has placed us in, that is our hope and vision for H2Glow. Please join us as we Pray, Give, and Go into the community of Great Falls this Halloween.

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